Tech LLC

Mobile App Development

Trophy Tracker

Trophy Tracker was an idea that I had to keep location and weather information for any fish or game that you may encounter in the field. The premise was when you catch a fish or spot/take a game animal, you could whip out your phone, launch the app push a couple buttons and then come back later to fill out the less time sensitive data.

The way it worked was you would launch the app, it would locate you, you then press the button for which animal you would like to catalog and it would pre-load fields for weather and location data. You could then add more details about the animal or just save it to the database and come back later to add additional info. Building this app was humbling. Here I learned how to drain a full battery in less than 5 minutes. Not only is it important to learn how to use the GPS, but remember to turn it off in the right places.

This was also my first encounter with JSON. I learned all about the standard Android parser. Now I definitely prefer JSON over XML when it comes to data returned from a service call.

This app was useful if you hunted or fished in an area that has consistent cell signal. If you are out in the boonies, it will be difficult for your phone to get the proper weather information from the internet.